Getting cutie-pie overload from re-watching The Mandalorian. Finished the entire Clone Wars series and also started on Rebels. Blame that for my lack of blogging, emails, twittering, Facebook, and general socializing. Also means I have been a little slack with promos on my latest books, but I am delighted to thank Amazon for putting my International Reviews up on the site. When you have 5 star reviews, you want people to see them. If you get a spare moment between re-watching Star Wars or Clone Wars or Rebels or Mandalorian, whatever, check out my books on Amazon and if you like them, I would be very grateful if you could leave a review. Thank you! Here is the link: My Books on Amazon BARGAINS! GREAT BOOKS! GREAT SERIES! They are at bargain prices! You can buy one book at a time, or all four in the series in one bargain download.